Wednesday, March 19, 2008

First Post- Christening the Blog

*ahem* Greetings to you all. Though my ultimate goal is to acheive world domination, I will reward myself for my good progress by doing something enjoyable, like making a blog. Hence, Third-Party has come into the world.

This is not a rant journal, though at times it may come dangerously close to resembling one. This is not one of those ever-so-popular beat-down-the-politicians sites. This is Third-Party Opinion. So what is it?

…I’m still working on that.


Jennifer said...

I'm so glad you've found a forum to perfect your argu..I mean, debate skills so you can use them at home. :)

Anonymous said...

Why would you make a blog if you don't know what it's about?

Anonymous said...

To reward myself (for my good progress in taking over the world) by doing something enjoyable. Making a blog is enjoyable.

Since in my post I stated that quite clearly, obviously you only absorb something around 15% of what you read. Next time, I suggest reading more than just the last three lines. It might increase the percentage of text you comprehend.